Summer is a wonderful time to enjoy everything that your pond has to offer. Koi and fish are at their most playful, critters like frogs and snails are out for some fun, butterflies visit, waterfalls soothe, and flowering plants open their petals to the sun.
To make the most of the season, it’s best to have a few key care tips up your sleeve – and to know what to do if something goes wrong. From summer algae to the simple reality of keeping your pond ecosystem healthy during long, hot, sun-baking days, a little bit of knowledge can go a long way toward a summer of smooth sailing.
We’ve collected five of our top blogs on summer pond and fish care right here. Take a look to see if there’s something that can help you enjoy the season more, or tuck them away for reference. And remember, if you need help, advice, recommendation, or pond care products, just let us know and our pond pros will be there for you.
How To Keep Your Pond And Fish Healthy During Summer
Hot temperatures, too little (or too much!) rain, even long, unattended days while you’re away can take a toll on any pond. A well-balanced ecosystem is self-sustaining and requires very little maintenance, but that means you need to keep your pond in balance in the first place.
The key to a healthy pond and an easy summer lies in the right amount of oxygen, proper water temperature, conscientious fish feeding and other factors. Get an overview how to keep your pond healthy here. An ounce of prevention is worth a whole summer of enjoyment!
5 Tips For Keeping Your Pond And Fish Healthy Through Hot Summer Days
Have an idea of what it takes to keep your pond healthy? Well, it never hurts to know a little more! Repetition is the mother of learning, so the more information you have and the more you familiarize yourself with it, the more successful you’ll be.
In this post we expand a bit on what makes a healthy pond, with five specific tips for summer care. Start early and practice good care habits and you’ll be rewarded with a healthy, gorgeous pond all season.
The Secret To Healthy Pond Fish
If your koi are healthy, we bet you want to keep them that way! And doing that is pretty easy – if you know what to do. Fish are not so different than us. They need good food, a healthy environment, and fresh air (yes, fish need oxygen, too).
These are tips for maintaining fish health throughout the season, warm or cool, wet or dry, whether you’re home to dote on them or away for a while. We also share tips for buying fish because oftentimes, the secret to keeping fish healthy is starting with healthy fish!
What To Do When Your Pond Fish Are Sick
Even the best care can’t always prevent fish from getting sick. If your beloved koi seem to be ailing – perhaps they’ve lost their zeal, are swimming or floating oddly, or have developed strange scales or markings – you’re probably wondering what to do.
Sometimes it’s a matter of adjusting water temperate or pH, and sometimes it’s about treating a disease. But knowing what to look for and how to respond accordingly is your best first step. Take a look at some common signs of problems and what to do about them – and remember, if you need advice or even specialized fish care, we’re here to help.
Pond Algae? Don’t Freak Out! Here’s What You Need To Know About Dealing With Green Water.
The sight of a big, floating patch of green gunk on your pond, or stuck to the rocks, can be disconcerting. The truth is that some algae is actually good for your pond. But too much can definitely be a problem.
Get the scoop on all things algae – when it’s good, when it’s not, how to prevent it and what to do if it rears its slimy little head.
Summer is for sun, fun, and ponds! Enjoy the season, with the wildlife, the lovely blooms, and all the joy it brings. If you need help or advice, if your fish are sick and you’re looking for care, if you need maintenance, care products, or just want to show off your best summer pond photos, let us know. We may even showcase your pond on our site or social media!