Summer blooms have faded, temperatures are dropping and nights are getting longer. Before you know it, the winter wind will settle in and most of us here in New Jersey will don our fuzzy flannels and pull the curtains against the cold.
But just because winter is coming doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy the outdoors. And it certainly doesn’t mean that everything has to turn gray and dull until spring comes again. Winter can be just as exciting and enjoyable as the warmer months. All you need to do if you want to enjoy it to its fullest is plan ahead now, and take some steps to protect, maintain and even enhance your outdoor space.
Today we’ve collected five of our most popular cold-weather resources to help you get started. They include everything from caring for your pond to planting for winter curb appeal. Get inspired to meet winter with a smile, and if you still want more ideas or want to learn more about how your yard can be its best this winter, get in touch and let us know!
1. Must-Know Koi Facts For Winter Care & Survival
Let’s kick things off with how to protect the jewels of your pond during cold winter months. For starters, proper winter care starts NOW. There are certain things you’ll need to do to prep your pond for winter (a whole topic unto itself!) so if you want healthy koi to emerge next spring, you’ll need to think about prepping your pond right now.
Pro tip: install an underwater camera and you can keep an eye on your fish first-hand. This can help you head off problems you might not notice from the surface. As an added bonus, the camera can be set to display on your TV or computer screen. That way you’ll have a front row seat to watch and enjoy your fish from the comfort of your warm living room all winter long!
2. 14 Garden Delights For Winter Landscape Beauty
Do you resign yourself to the dull monochrome of winter each year? Do you yearn for spring and a glimpse of color or any sign of life? Are you tired of all that white, all that silence, all that slick, shiny ice?
Time to change how you view winter! There’s so much you can do with color and texture that there’s no reason to experience another drab winter ever again. Everything from bright red and orange berries to tall grasses and textured bark will enhance your landscape in ways you might not have imagined.
Skip the basic evergreen and try some of these unexpected beauties instead. You might be surprised by just how much life and visual interest you can bring to the darkest of days!
3. Caring For Ponds, Waterfalls And Fountains During Winter
Remember, planning and preparation are often the keys to beauty! If you have a water feature, whether a pond, fountain or even a simple garden bubbler, it’s important to take care of them appropriately each season.
Some water features may need to be shut down, and others can continue to run all winter. Do you know which is which? And do you know how to successfully keep a water feature functioning even through freezing cold temperatures?
We’ve got you covered! Learn more about caring for these features and be prepared to enjoy some of the most beautiful natural ice sculptures you’ve ever seen.
4. Winter Landscaping Ideas For Stunning Seasonal Curb Appeal
We covered some great winter planting ideas, but there is a lot more you can do to create a lovely winter landscape. Think beyond berries and shrubs to the other components of your landscape – the décor, the natural stone, the lighting, and so much more.
The beauty of combining and adding a multitude of elements to your landscape is that it becomes truly four-season. No need to rely on a flourishing flower garden for curb appeal when you can look forward to a stunning natural stone garden flanked by a few tall, swaying grasses.
That’s just one tiny example to spark your imagination. Read more to find out how you can use a variety of landscape elements to create a gorgeous – and total – winter package.
5. Winter Care For Water Lilies In New Jersey Ponds
Did you know that a significant number of people install ponds in their yards for the lilies alone? These beauties are so beloved that they are often the centerpiece of many waterscape designs.
No wonder so many lily-lovers are saddened to see them fade! But that doesn’t mean you must simply sit idly by while they die off. In fact, with a little patience and a bit of a green thumb, there are some types of lilies that you may get to bloom all winter long right in your living room!
Learn the right type of care for the different types of water lilies, and get started now if you want to experiment with yours!
Have you been inspired to look at winter a little differently? Did you learn something new, or are there a few new ideas floating around in your head just waiting to be explored? If you’d like to talk more about turning your winter yard into a year-long wonderland, get in touch with us for a consultation. We’ll listen to your ideas and work with you plan the landscape of your dreams.