The end of summer is closing in, and that means a whole new season is on the horizon for enjoying the outdoors! With it comes beautiful foliage, brand new blooms, and a new chapter for your pond.
To make the most out of this season of change, you’ll need to know a bit about pond care. Understanding how the seasons affect water quality, critters, and plants will help you keep everything healthy and beautiful.
Today we’re sharing eight of our top posts about late summer and fall pond care. We’ve thrown in a few winter tips as an added bonus because preparing now means you’ll have lots to enjoy long into the next seasons.
1. Pond Algae? Don’t Freak Out! Here’s What You Need To Know About Dealing With Green Water.
Your pond has been healthy all season then suddenly Indian summer hits and bam! Your pond turns a distressing shade of green.
Late August is famous for its algae blooms, but don’t despair. In this post you’ll find out how to avoid the dreaded bloom, and what to do if it happens anyway.
2. How To Get Rid Of Pond Algae (And Why You Shouldn’t Get Rid Of It All)
When you’re staring at the slimy green stuff, you may not be thinking of anything besides defeating it. Some types of algae can definitely be a problem, but others are actually just part of a healthy ecosystem.
In addition to tips for preventing algae blooms, we share what algae is and why it’s not all bad – and why, in fact, you want to keep some in your pond.
3. 7 Easy Tips For Late Summer Pond Care
Just when you think the weather is cooling down for fall, you get hit with a last gasp of summer. High temperatures and blazing sun can wreck havoc with your pond, even this late in the game.
The good news is that you can avoid problems with a little know-how. These simple tips will keep your pond healthy no matter how long summer temperatures linger.
4. Take These Steps This Fall For A Healthy Pond Next Spring
Spring is probably not on your mind right now, but if you have a pond, then you really do need to be thinking a season or two ahead. Preparing now means that not only will your pond look great next year, but it will extend your enjoyment into the fall and winter seasons, too.
Don’t panic – you don’t need a degree in ecology or even a lot of fancy tools to get the job done! A few basic care steps will keep everything running smoothly.
5. A Quick Start Guide To Winterizing Your Pond
We call it “winterizing” but you don’t want to wait until winter to get started. The best time to start is right now with this post!
Find out how to protect your pond during the winter so that when it’s time to prepare, you’ll have all the knowledge and supplies you need.
6. 5 Top Questions About Winterizing A Pond
Now that you’re in preparation mode, it’s time to expand your knowledge of fall and winter pond care. For example, did you know that when the water temperature drops below about 60 degrees, you should change the type of food you feed your fish? And below 55, you should stop feeding entirely?
Whether you’re wondering what to feed fish (and when), how to care for plants or something else, start here – and let us know if you have questions that didn’t make our list.
7. 5 (More!) Top Questions About Winterizing A Pond
More questions, more answers! This time we’re taking on questions about cleaning, netting, preparing equipment and more.
You can learn and do it yourself in a weekend, or if you need help, remember you can always ask us for white glove professional service.
8. Winter Care For Water Lilies In New Jersey Ponds
Water lilies are some of the most prized possessions of pond lovers everywhere. You may feel a little pang of regret when their delightful blooms start to fade, but that doesn’t mean your job is done!
Whether you have hardy or tropical lilies, these tips will help you care for them during cold months. And if you’re feeling daring, why not try to overwinter them indoors and keep them blooming?
Whether you’re ready or not, the seasons will change. The question is, will you be ready? Our tips and information can get you started, and if you need more help, contact us and our pros will help you prepare and care for your pond.